/fa-clock-o/ WEEK TRENDING$type=list
ഇന്à´¤്യൻ à´¸ിà´¨ിമയിൽ à´¤്à´°ിà´²്ലറുകൾക്à´•് à´ªേà´°ുà´•േà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ിà´¯ാà´£് തമിà´´് à´«ിà´²ിം ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ി. à´¨ിരവധി അനവധി തമിà´´് à´¤്à´°ിà´²്ലർ à´šിà´¤്à´°à´™്ങളാà´£് à´“à´°ോ വർഷവും à´ª...
à´¸്à´¥ിà´°ം à´•്à´²ിà´·േ à´¬ോംà´¬് കഥകൾകൊà´£്à´Ÿ് à´ªേà´°ുà´•േà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ിà´¯ാà´£് à´¤െà´²ുà´—് à´«ിà´²ിം ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ി അഥവാ à´Ÿോà´³ിà´µുà´¡്. à´¨ായകന്à´±െ à´’à´°ു à´•ിà´•്à´•് à´•ൊà´£്à´Ÿ് ബഹിà´°ാà´•ാà´¶ം വരെ à´Žà´¤്à´¤ുà´¨...
South Korean films with its complex storylines, experimental aesthetics, and enthralling of making of the films. These 30+ Best Ko...
Malayalam Cinema is a tiny film industry from southern India.It has always taken its themes from relevant social issues and has been i...
Tamil film industry have much more thriller movies comparing to other language film industry in India. Here's is the l...
In Tamil cinema, There are plenty of horror films some of them are worse and good. Here is the Best, Top 10 Tamil Horror film list ...
Malayalam film industry including a good source of horror thriller films. Most of the films theme plot was Yakshi and its rituals. The...
Vijay Sethupathi is a prominent actor in tamil cinema. He began his career in 1996 by playing small uncredited roles in films. Sethupa...
These films labelled as most disturbing films ever made in world cinema. These also known as splatter and gore films, those film's ...
RECENT WITH THUMBS$type=blogging$m=0$cate=0$sn=0$rm=0$c=4$va=0
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- World's Most Disturbing Films
- Alfred Hitchcock
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- Thriller
- Thrillers
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- Vijay Sethupathi
- World's Most Disturbing Films
/fa-fire/ YEAR POPULAR$type=one
Tamil film industry have much more thriller movies comparing to other language film industry in India. Here's is the l...
South Korean films with its complex storylines, experimental aesthetics, and enthralling of making of the films. These 30+ Best Ko...
ഇന്à´¤്യൻ à´¸ിà´¨ിമയിൽ à´¤്à´°ിà´²്ലറുകൾക്à´•് à´ªേà´°ുà´•േà´Ÿ്à´Ÿ ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ിà´¯ാà´£് തമിà´´് à´«ിà´²ിം ഇൻഡസ്à´Ÿ്à´°ി. à´¨ിരവധി അനവധി തമിà´´് à´¤്à´°ിà´²്ലർ à´šിà´¤്à´°à´™്ങളാà´£് à´“à´°ോ വർഷവും à´ª...
മലയാà´³ à´¸ിà´¨ിà´®ാà´¤ാà´°à´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ യഥാർഥപേà´°ുകൾ à´…à´±ിà´¯ാà´®ോ?. à´ˆ à´ªോà´¸്à´±്à´±ിà´²ൂà´Ÿെ മലയാളത്à´¤ിà´²െ à´šിà´² നടീനടന്à´®ാà´°ുà´Ÿെ à´’à´±ിà´œിനൽ à´ªേà´°ുകൾ à´¨ോà´•്à´•ാം. നമ്à´®ുà´Ÿെ à´¤ാà´°à´™്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´’à´±ിà´œി...
Vijay Sethupathi is a prominent actor in tamil cinema. He began his career in 1996 by playing small uncredited roles in films. Sethupa...
Mohanlal is the greatest actor and highest paid actor in malayalam film industry, He is the main pillar of a small industry f...
Malayalam film industry including a good source of horror thriller films. Most of the films theme plot was Yakshi and its rituals. The...