You Should Never Watch These Films : World's Most Disturbing and Banned Films

These films labelled as most disturbing films ever made in world cinema.If you are watch these movies, you should regret after watching it. You never watch these films : World's most disturbing and banned films

These films labelled as most disturbing films ever made in world cinema. These also known as splatter and gore films, those film's shows blood and horrible graphics. It's inner content includes, high level of violence and abusive sexual scenes. If you are watch these movies, you should regret after watching it. So these are the blood rushing movies in random order.

World's Most Disturbing  and Banned Films


A Serbian film is a 2010 Serbian language film. It was considered as the most violently made film and banned in several countries. The film got attention and controversies about it graphic nature. The film has been banned in Norway, Germany, Singapore , New Zealand, Malaysia, ,Australia and Spain and was temporarily banned from screening in Brazil.

Netflix and other video streaming applications removed the film from their platforms for its depictions of sexual violence, themes of incest, and depictions of child sexual abuse in the film.


Another most disturbing film and it scenes depicting high graphic violence, The Human Centipede is a Dutch language film released in three sequences. The trilogy about a medical experiment. Humans that joins them surgically, mouth to anus, forming a "human centipede". The trilogy includes, The Human Centipede (first sequence) in 2009, The Human Centipede 2 (full sequence) in 2011 and The Human Centipede 3(final sequence) in 2015. The film banned in several countries for its sexual violence and body horror.


Martyrs is a French language 2008 film that depicts high violence and body horror. Martyrs  is being ranked as one of the scariest film ever made in French. The film regarded as a masterpeice of director Pascal Laugier.


Cannibal Holocaust is the one of the most controversial film in world cinema. It is a 1980 Italian film that known for it graphical violence, sexual assault and violence towards animals.
The story about a film crew stuck in Amazon Rain Forest and the cannibals. During it release rumors spread about, several actors murdered for making of the film, killed lot's of animals, sexual violence towards women's, etc. For these statements the film banned in Italy and other countries. Followed this film, some of made same theme based films.


It is a 1975 English language film that directed by Peir Paulo Pasolini. The film follows a fascist group, who kidnapped 18 teenagers and subject them to 120 days of extreme violence. Murders, sexual and mental torture. This film depicts youths subjected to graphic violence, sadism, sexual deviance and brutal murder, the film was controversial upon its release and has remained banned in several countries into the 21st century.


Hostel is a American gore film that released in three sequences, Hostel in 2005, Hostel 2 in 2007 and Hostel 3 in 2011. These film's follows a mysterious organisation that tortures and kills the tourists.The trilogy notable for its graphical violence and tortures.


Aftermath is a 1994 Spanish gore film. It is a 32 minute short lengthy film with out any dialogues.The film directed by Nacho Cerdo and its a second film of cerdo's trilogy, 1990's The Awakening, and followed by 1998's Genesis. The film got attention from the audience and won best short film award.

8. EAT

Eat is a 2014 gore film directed by Jimmy Weber. The story follows, A falling actress, on her stress stage she eat her own flesh. The scenes are not easy to watch, a worth watch film for gore film lovers.


Antichrist is a 2009 Danish film that directed by Lars Von Trier. It tells the story of a couple who, after the death of their child, retreat to a cabin in the woods where the man experiences strange visions and the woman manifests increasingly violent sexual behaviour.


It is a 2008 British horror film written and directed by James Watkins. The film follows, Jenny and her lover Steve, went to a remote lake. However, a group of undisciplined teenagers beat them with their continuous pranks, tortures and violence.


The film based on the movie ' The Cannibal Haulocaust', that banned several countries till now. The Green Inferno is a 2013 American film directed by Eli Roth. The film revolves, A plane crashes in the Peruvian jungle and  the rest of their group are taken captive by a tribe of hungry cannibals.


I Spit on Your Grave is a 1980 film noted for its very controversial depiction of extreme graphic violence, in particular the lengthy depictions of gang rape, that take up 30 minutes of the film's runtime. 



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Filmy Fuse : You Should Never Watch These Films : World's Most Disturbing and Banned Films
You Should Never Watch These Films : World's Most Disturbing and Banned Films
These films labelled as most disturbing films ever made in world cinema.If you are watch these movies, you should regret after watching it. You never watch these films : World's most disturbing and banned films
Filmy Fuse
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